In a previous post we talked about how hard it is to get consumers to look up from their smart phone to actually notice the world around them and the challenge that it creates for event promotion. These same technology driven and time-starved consumers are also creating new issues for retail stores. It used to be that a retail store would have lower prices online to help encourage consumers to shop there, however, now more and more consumers are shopping online and retailers have to offer incentives to bring customers in to the actual store.
According to CNN, the rise of online shopping was behind the closing of quite a few stores in 2017. This leaves brick and mortar stores with a few challenges in trying to create a store of the future. We are seeing a few solutions being tried out by smaller business: sharing space and pop-up shops. (more…)
It’s mid-summer and that means that people have likely been attending more events that are outdoors. People take more vacations, work shorter hours and are generally feel a little more laid back these days. Which means you may be spending even more time outside promoting your business at various events. Whether that event is a sporting event, a concert, Farmer’s Market or even a community event you want to make sure you have all the right gear. What exactly is the right gear? A tent or canopy, of course!
Having a tent not only ensures you some visibility, it also offers something that is known as the decompression zone which is the area of transition between the outside environment and the smaller, indoor place into which your customer is entering. Having even a small shift from the outside environment (for example a Farmer’s Market) to your canopy (for example selling hair care products) allows the customer’s mind to relax, browse, assess what you have and hopefully purchase what you are selling. (more…)