These days the American population is bombarded with advertisements. Depending on the data you look at, some believe we see up to 5000 ads per day, while other numbers are in the high hundreds. Between advertisements that we see while driving, to commercials on TV, to the often-unwanted ads that pop up on the Internet and even in your email account, it’s easy to see how we can be exposed to so many ads. But how many of these do we actually see or process? According to data on Britannica we may actually miss quite a bit of it. Our eyes, skin, ears, nose (smell) and mouth (taste) are able to send any where from 1,000 to 10,000,000 bits of information to the brain per second. When put together, it is estimated that the human body sends approximately 11 million bits per second to the brain for processing, yet the conscious mind seems to be able to only process around 50 bits per second.
What does this mean for the business trying to promote its product? It all boils down to one key thing: it has to make an impression. (more…)